Cotton Bowl ref trips, falls on backside (Video)

A referee had an embarrassing mishap when he tripped and fell on his rear end in full view of fans and television cameras during the fourth quarter of Friday night's Cotton Bowl between Texas A&M and Oklahoma.

Umpire Keith Roden had spotted the ball for Heisman Trophy winner Johnny Manziel and the Texas A&M offense. Roden was retreating to his regular spot on the defensive side of the line of scrimmage when he tripped and fell backwards onto his backside, causing his cap to come off.

Fortunately, Roden was OK and quickly regrouped as he found his cap and got himself into position before Manziel snapped the ball. Unfortunately, Roden's bad day at the office will be a viral video for college football fans everywhere in the days to come.


Related: FOX misses opening kickoff of Cotton Bowl during sideline interview (Video)
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