Doug Gottlieb's Bad Day At The Office, Live On ESPN

Many of us have had a day at the office that we'd rather forget.  Unfortunately for ESPN college basketball analyst Doug Gottlieb, his bad day was captured live on camera and will live forever on Youtube.  This all happened in the span of a single minute on camera:
  • Doug apparently hits the wrong spot on the touchscreen, causing the bracket to disappear and the Sportscenter "SC" logo to appear...sideways. 
  • When discussing how his NCAA Final Four predictions will play out, he has touch screen trouble again and accidentally selects Florida to play in the title game, when he really intends to pick Kansas.
  • After he gets his Kansas pick straightened out, his cell phone starts ringing...and he can't shut it off fast enough.  Host David Lloyd has to take Gottlieb's phone away from him so Doug can finish the segment. 
The solutions going forward are obvious:  more practice time with the touch screen, and turn off the cell phone (or at least put it on vibrate mode - they all have that these days, don't they?)

The longest minute of ESPN analyst Doug Gottlieb's career [The Dagger]
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