Orioles celebrate Ryan Mountcastle HR with "beer" bong (Video)

Ryan Mountcastle drinks from beer bong to celebrate HR, Athletics vs. Orioles, 4/10/2023
The Baltimore Orioles celebrated a home run by first baseman Ryan Mountcastle by having him drink from a "beer" bong during Monday night's game against Oakland.

It happened in the first inning as Mountcastle hit a 1-0 changeup over the wall in left-center field with a man on to give the Orioles a 2-1 lead. As he returned to the dugout, he was presented with one end of a bong that he had to drink from as a teammate poured water down the funnel on the other end.

This seems like something the Orioles have been preparing for, as the "beer" bong displayed the team colors of orange and black. As fun as this celebration looks, we wonder how long they will be allowed to do this. It may not be the best look for MLB players to be promoting heavy drinking. This is supposed to be a family-friendly sport after all.

Maybe over the course of the season, the Orioles can come up with a more wholesome way of celebrating home runs - something along the lines of the Astros "Fortnite Jubilation Dance" from a few years back that the Astros used to celebrate defensive plays.

[The Big Lead]

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