Iranian stretcher carrier hurts himself while carrying injured soccer player (Video)

During a recent lower league soccer match in Iran, a player was down on the ground in obvious pain, and two people came out with a stretcher to help the injured player off the field. However, as the player was being carried off the field, the lead stretcher carrier tripped and fell to the ground.

Not only did the fallen carrier cause further injury to the player, who got up grabbing his elbow and needed to walk the rest of the way off the field himself, but the carrier injured himself so badly that he could not walk and needed someone to help him get off the field.

Come to think about it, with the injured player being able to walk the rest of the way off the field, did he really need the stretcher to begin with?

This would seem to be a more miserable stretcher fail than the one from a junior soccer match in Brazil that we brought you a few months back.

H/T 101 Great Goals.
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